NorzhCTF 2021: Triskel 3 : Dead end

Triskel 3 : Dead end

Category: Airport hall/web


50 points

You are admin now… Anyway now you can’t access any information or have more privileges so I guess it’s the end of your journey haha!

by Remsio


Next challenge, straightaway after Triskel 2.

Examination of cookies shown interesting confidential_documents cookie, which was in fact the target for ssrf.

It took me a while until I found that changing to can get me access to confidential documents on development server.


Below the content of documents:

  • patient0.txt
We got intel about the french patient0, it's a CTF player named kalèche.. 
He's from Brittany and he says he caught it from Twitter.  
  • coup_de_gueule.txt
Are you kidding me? Who deactivated the PIN to access dev platform console??? ヽ(`Д´)ノ      
  • desactivation_prod.txt
The production server has been deactivated because our delopers have been targeted by a phishing campagn.
  • attack.txt

There were proof that some hackers accessed our infrastructure last month, I'm pretty sure they are targeting us.
We need to be careful and to prepare ourselves to worse!


I’ve spent a lot of time trying to do something with those hints. Finally, I found development platform console by changing the cookie to


It was very uncomfortable to play with this challenge by constantly changing the cookie, that’s why I’ve decided to change a bit approach and use ssrf-proxy again (like in case of previous, Triskel 2). This time with some additional tweaks, I’ve launched the program as below.

ssrf-proxy -u --cookie='PHPSESSID=ooJzbY6G3trMrzWP9nnvu8q6JM-14ef1df8f14366b27cf88aca83bc5d0c;confidential_documents=xxURLxx' --rules=noproto --match='.*<pre>\n\s\s\s\s\s\s\s\sCant\sconnect\sto\sAPI\s\s\s\s\s\s\s</pre>\n\n\s\s\s\s\s\s<div>(.*)</div>\n\s\s\s\s\s\s<p\sclass="bg-success\stext-center">API\sPowered\sby\sWerkzeug</p>.*'

Quick proxy reconfiguration and I got python console running in the browser.

console running

Few commands later I get the flag.

>>> print(subprocess.check_output(['find', '/', '-name', 'flag*']))

>>> print(open('/flag.txt', 'rt').read())



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