S.H.E.L.L CTF 2021: Cyber Attack 1

Cyber Attack 1

Category: Puzzle


193 points

We have top secret confidential information from the secret service that there is going to be an all out cyber attack against a country in the future. Long Live our spy who died in between the transmission.

The FBI have found that the following tools will be used in attack on the country.Use this GitHub repo as a starting point for your investigation https://github.com/norias-teind/tools
All we ask from you is Time and Date of Attack SHELL{HH:MM;DD/MM/YYYY}

Update:- Time in IST time zone.


It took me some time to realize that this challenge chain is in fact OSINT.

In the given repository, in one of the commits I found website url.


Under the address there was a wordpress blog with some articles, but the interesting part was a footer with Twitter feed attached.


Between few dozens of tweets I found one, which may be the answer to the challenge.


I’m in CEST timezone, so I had to convert 11:06 AM May 30, 2021 to IST, which were 14:36 AM May 30, 2021 and add one year.



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