UMassCTF'21: easteregg


Category: rev

50 points

Dangeresque likes easter eggs.

Created by Jakob#9448

Hint: It’s not xyzzy, and you’re not going to guess it. Open up your disassembler!


Challenge file is a binary with simple text game.

file adventure 
adventure: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, not stripped
Welcome to Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People Episode 6 - Dangeresque 4: The Criminally-Dull Projective!
Okay, you're Dangeresque. Nobody do anything... Dangeresque!

"Man. That warehaus was full of action and suspense."
"Dangeresque! You're outta line!"
"Oh crap! It's the chief! I was supposed to solve a case for him months ago."
"Better try and 'solve' his case quick."

You are in Dangeresque's Office. This is where the magic happens! 
To the west is Agency Lobby.
There are a few things here:
- room-temperature coffee
- month-old chinese food
- the swissblonkel scenario


To complete the game we have to follow below steps:

take the swissblonkel scenario
go west
go north
take solved stamp
use the swissblonkel scenario

Ok, but where’s the flag?

I’ve decompiled binary with Ghidra and found something that looks like additional, easteregg command.


By passing jhiezetfmvirlnjfbobk command, a variable changes to 1 and unlocks some additional program logic after main loop ends. Let’s try it.

Welcome to Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People Episode 6 - Dangeresque 4: The Criminally-Dull Projective!
Okay, you're Dangeresque. Nobody do anything... Dangeresque!

"Man. That warehaus was full of action and suspense."
"Dangeresque! You're outta line!"
"Oh crap! It's the chief! I was supposed to solve a case for him months ago."
"Better try and 'solve' his case quick."

You are in Dangeresque's Office. This is where the magic happens! 
To the west is Agency Lobby.
There are a few things here:
- room-temperature coffee
- month-old chinese food
- the swissblonkel scenario

a> jhiezetfmvirlnjfbobk
a> take the swissblonkel scenario
Got the the swissblonkel scenario!
a> go west
You are in Agency Lobby. It's late, the receptionist is out. 
To the north is Chief's Office.
To the east is Dangeresque's Office.
To the west is Alleyway.

a> go north
You are in Chief's Office. Geez, maybe I should leave. He looks pissed. 
To the south is Agency Lobby.
There are a few things here:
- solved stamp

a> take solved stamp
Got the solved stamp!
a> use the swissblonkel scenario
Case solved!



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