DawgCTF 2021: BBomb - Phase 3

BBomb - Phase 3

Category: Binary Bomb


75 points

Reflections? Rotations? Translations? This is starting to sound like geometry…

Author: treap_treap


Third phase of Binary Bomb challenge chain which started with BBomb - Phase 1.


This time challenge started to be a bit more difficult. Additionally there were two functions with challenge logic. One of them looked like rot13 (below).

func3 1

func3 2

I’ve decided to not overthink too much and simply rewritten the logic in Python to bruteforce the flag.

from string import ascii_letters, digits

encoded_flag = '\"_9~Jb0!=A`G!06qfc8\'_20uf6`2%7'
decoded_flag = ''

def func3_1(s):
    o = ord(s)
    if 64 < o < 91:
        o -= 13
        if o < 65:
            o += 26
    if 96 < o < 123:
        o -= 13
        if o < 97:
            o += 26
    return chr(o)

def func3_2(s):
    o = ord(s)
    if 32 < o != 127:
        o -= 47
        if o < 33:
            o += 94
    return chr(o)

for i in range(len(encoded_flag)):
    for c in ascii_letters + digits + '_':
        char = func3_2(func3_1(c))
        if char == encoded_flag[i]:
            decoded_flag = decoded_flag + c

print('Flag: DawgCTF{{{}}}'.format(decoded_flag))



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